Monday, 15 March 2010

Doing other stuff

While running has taken a back seat since Barcelona I'm lucky that my urge to expend energy can be satisfied by the lesser known but dare I say it "equally rewarding" acts of cycling and swimming, covering 62 miles of the former and 3.7 miles (6k) of the latter in the 8 days since the marathon. Certainly the swimming has been great with no impact on the legs (apart from the gentle push off required from the end of the pool the day after Barcelona).
My right knee continues to irritate slightly during the early part of my bike sessions (mild and hopefully temporary runner's knee?). But it was the 2 mile run following my Sunday bike ride that revealed the biggest threat to my running form over the next month or two. Apart from the mild bonk half a mile into the run (insufficient fueling on the bike) my left calf was stiff and sore afterwards despite the easy 8 minute pace and it took a few hours before I could walk without feeling discomfort. On the other hand my right calf, which I pulled in Barcelona, was fine - that's not to say it's all better it's just that it probably requires a bit more of a strenuous effort to uncover it's weakness.
My plan for the Ballycotton 10 next Sunday was for an easy effort just to get me back into the swing of things with 3 weeks remaining before the beast that is Connemara. However i'll give it a miss if I don' get a clear pain free run this week and continue to up the mileage on the bike. Connemara was always more about endurance and less about speed so i'm hopeful that it is faster paces as opposed to time on my legs that it causing my current niggles.


  1. While it would be a shame to not run the "Irish 6ft Track" you might be better off in the long run to save yourself for future races.

    We can't all pull a Ewen, throw caution to the wind and continue to beat up our bodies with no apparent side effects, save a weathered and sour countenance.

    You are young and pretty, stay that way.

  2. Is Scott asking you to reconsider Connemara? From my distant perspective, I'd worry you could do some real damage over such a long distance, even if slower paced. Take care of yourself!

  3. Yes, love2Run

    That's basically what I'm saying ;)

  4. I take the opposite view; while I think you should give Ballycotton a miss, I would not yet give up on Connemara.

    Then again, it takes a lot for me to give up on Connemara, and your own urge might not be quite as strong.

    Of course, I'll claim that you chickened out of Connemara if you give it a miss ...

  5. I'm thinking that Scott thought that Connemara was on next Sunday as opposed to 3 weeks further along.

    Thomas there's no chickening out of anything yet. There a long way to go yet before decision time.

  6. Yes, Grellan

    I thought that. So now, 3 weeks?, you're going to have to consider it but nobody would think less of you if you did give it a rest.

    Easier for me to say this than do it though.

  7. This is getting interesting, can't wait to see how it turns out...

  8. Playing it smart with the recovery, well done. Sorry to see that your latest 'thon didn't go as planned. Looking forward to seeing how the rest of your spring/summer unfolds... I'll keep you posted on my return to triathlon (if I can fit it in). All the best!

  9. "Weathered and sour countenance"! At least I don't wear girly arm warmers Scott ;)

    Grellan, I reckon you should have a real crack at the Ballycotton 10 this weekend - after all, it's one of the best races in the world! Also, I've put $100 down with Sportsbet for Thomas to beat you.

  10. Cheers Michael, hope you keep in contact.

    Ewen, You're placing very safe bets lately! They say the older you get the more conservative the decisions - so what was 6' all about?

  11. I need to win some beer money, and betting on Thomas this weekend is the surest bet there is.

    I've got the 'buckle' for six 6's - there's a belt for twelve, so I wanted to keep the streak going. By the way, they give a permanent race number and free entry for life after 24 Six Foots! Only one person has achieved that.

  12. Yes, Ewen. With Grellan still being crippled by his latest marathon effort I might have a realistic chance of beating him. You gotta take your opportunities.

    Grellan, if you're doing Ballycotton do you want to share the drive from Cork again? Maybe with Pat as well if he's doing it this year?

  13. Thomas, The plan to-date is to run Ballycotton in the vibrams - need another angle if i'm not going to race it and also to improve your odds (Ewen promised me a few beers).

    Pat and 2 other neighbours are running it and the plan was to go together. You could join us or if 2 cars were needed we could travel together and discuss tactics for Connemara.

  14. Well, I've got a 7-seater, we'd all fit into that one even with all our gear. Unless I hear from you otherwise, I try and be at your place before 11 o'clock?

  15. Ps.... I hope Thomas doesn't psych you out on the drive down!!!! ;)

  16. Bricey, Thomas didn't psych me out at all - we had a very civilised cup of tea in my place and I wished him well as he headed off to ballycotton and stayed at home - couldn't justing 6 hours away from home to jog around ballycotton in flip flops.
